Friday, November 17, 2006

we are all made of stars

cake_stars.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

this is a nifty little idea i saw in a magazine a while back. cookie cutters + sprinkles = fun frosted cakes. this was my first try so i admit, it's a little weak. plus i used a metal cookie cutter and i tend to think a plastic one that cost more than 48 cents would work better.

so onto friday faves:
these are holiday themed since i won't be here next friday, i'll be eating leftover turkey and pumpkin pie and sleeping on someone else's recliner.

hot cocoa with peppermint candy canes: delicious sweet drink. although peppermint schnapps would work just as well.

mistletoe: love the look of the little plant, and it's an excuse to smooch it up.

pumpkin pie: love the season of apple pies and pumpkin pies and crisps and all those awesome fruit and veggie desserts.

sweet potato casserole: with marshmallow on top. yum, can't wait to have some next week. boston market also makes a great one, for those of you who actually have a boston market near you. lucky.

after thanksgiving sales: it ignites the fire of the bargain shopper in me. 3 for $10? i'll take 6.

Christmas street decorations: it makes any drab city look shiny and pretty when white lights line the sidewalks.

My church: it's nice to have people surrounding you that look at things with a realistic positivity that eventually wears off on you.

that's all for today kids. have a great weekend...mine'll be stressful! {picking out tile, painting, a sleepover at MY house with 10 girls and only one bathroom, trying to squeeze in the netflix movies that just showed up...should be a blast!}


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    You are my star.....=* ~~kiss~~

  2. Anonymous3:58 PM

    i knew i had to be somebody's! thanks mom...speaking of, the stars were bright lastnight, but this morning all the clouds were back for another grey day. ugh.

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    yeah, we have the greys too. and the wind, so much for my cool wooden screen door on the front of the house....oh well, firewood. love you.
