Tuesday, November 07, 2006

shiny and new

check out the updated links bar {yay for wannabe} along with the nifty new shop buttons {the monkey store is in progress but you better check it jen, for the love of all things eaw} and the tinkerwiththis button! steal it to make your blog all pretty and stuff. back to the grind. keep it real homies.


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    there are so many stinking babies being born in the next few months, i just might purchase a couple of those onesies

  2. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Love me love me say that you love me...fool me fool me go on and fool me...

    LOVE the new links. Off to add your tink button to my much neglected blog.

  3. Anonymous4:18 PM

    i was just going to ask you for a new header. and now i'm all i don't know what it should look like but i'm feeling something plain. no more orange. and i'll add your button and wannas once i figure out how.
