Wednesday, October 11, 2006

hey there, honeybee, will you give me, sugar

adirondacks, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

i struggle with the knee-high issue. i have full-length boots (and never plan on wearing them outside my jeans just so everyone's aware) so i never know, do you wear knee high socks or tights, or wear the socks but hide them in the boot or let them poke out a bit, and how much really? is there some sort of high boot rule for this sort of thing?


  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    wait so what are you talking about. explain things to me. you are wondering what to wear with pants and knee high boots? the key factor here is that they are under your pants. so its kind of important to realize, 1. no one sees what kind of socks you have on so its all about COMFORT, and 2. when you only plan on wearing them under pants and never with a cute skirt, it is a waste of extra leather and poor indonesian people could have made more boots say if you chose to have a pair that was ankle high.

    so the point is. why won't you wear them with a skirt. it would look cute. unless your legs are so skinny that the boots kind of just hang there. if that's the case then it would just be hilarious and i would definitely pay to see that.

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    my oh my, who is that funny person who wrote that? she just cracks me up! someone give her a medal!

  3. Anonymous4:00 PM

    thanks marybeth, you're pretty snazzy yourself.

  4. Anonymous4:19 PM

    okay so i should rephrase that a bit, thanks marywhoelsebeth. i meant i would never wear knee high boots outside of my jeans because gofugyourself is always commenting on jessica sympson and her boot-outside-the-jeans obsession, and not in an oh-that's-so-cute way...

    i mean with fun little skirts, like i'm wearing today.

    and just so you know, these boots were made in america. the america of china.

  5. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Okay, I read those first 3 comments, wondering who "who else" was. Duh, I'm such a dork.
