Tuesday, October 17, 2006

apple picking

apple picking, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

come on. you can't possibly look at this photo and not laugh. it makes me happy. this wasn't a forced picture either, he was truly enjoying his apple up there on that ladder in 40 degree weather. this weekend we took the church kids picking. it was the coldest weekend so far but that didn't hold us back. then we came back to our house and made fabulous candy apples, which were a big hit. and super easy if i say so myself...

not much else to tell, we went house hunting on sunday but no luck. we might just stay in our current house until the job moves us, which is always an option. a smaller house was just a nice thought...

and we're thinking more and more about moving to new york city. it's crazy, and we might even hate living there, but we just can't see any other way of getting home. patience is a virtue. i hate patience.

oh. and i burned my arm on the oven rack while pulling out the first apple pie of the season. it stings. any natural remedies for burns?


  1. Anonymous8:52 PM

    ARNICA! It works wonders! Sorry to hear about your arm!

    That pic totally cracked me up! :)

  2. Anonymous10:01 PM

    That's a great picture, and it did make me laugh a little bit. :)

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM

    i did not laugh at that picture

    but i would definately move to NYC in a heartbeat! i told you to go there in the beginning! i miss it sooooo much

    i hate LA

  4. Anonymous9:27 PM

    i smirked. not a full out laugh. thumbelina laughed though.

  5. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I think the pic is great. Try just plain aloe, from the plant itself. We keep an aloe plant in the kitchen for times just like this, gee, I wonder where you get your klutziness from?????
