Monday, October 23, 2006

ambition: the latest addictive substance

so this weekend the husband and i tore out the bathroom. not completely. but we pulled off the nasty ugly towel rods, the 3 dollar lighting unit and knocked out the hideous oak vanity that was the bain of our endless morning bathrooms-too-cramped fights....and we did this with no plan really. we've been talking about remodeling the bathroom since we bought the house, so we know exactly how we want it to look. in fact, we had a pedestal sink sitting in the garage for about 6 months. so i'm not completely worried. BUT now we have no sink. we have to run downstairs to do everything. and did i mention we tore the bathroom apart? so this forces us to fix it. and it's kind of fun. so far. of course, we haven't put anything back in yet. we'll be demo-ing and installing a tub unit this weekend. i'll let you know how it goes....

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