Friday, September 22, 2006

sweet tees!

so i did some research and decided to put my t-shirt design online! so yes, you can now have an "I heart McDreamy" shirt! and all your friends can. i even put a pink onesie {onesie? spelled right?} on there...cute right? i was thinking of you MB.

anyway, get your own! the link is there on the side ----->
i'm thinking of getting myself one of the pink sleeved baseball jerseys myself.

i'm excited, can't you tell by all the exclamation points i never use?


  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    OH MY! They are Dreamy! Yeah!!!! I can't wait to order a few! I'm loving the baseball one!!

  2. Anonymous4:28 PM

    i don't get it...

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM

    don't worry Jen, you're not the only one!

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    OOO BOY! I am so ordering one of those next week after I get paid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
