Wednesday, August 09, 2006

21 day challenge: day three

21 day challenge, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so i slept in late this morning BUT, i needed to. i've been so exhausted lately. i need a day or two to just catch up and relax. ie: i rented the new pride & prejudice movie (post colin firth, yum) and have not had time to watch it yet. so it's late now and i have it for another 5 days. i'm planning to watch it tonight after i hit the gym for some cardio and a short run with the husband...(so i'm not failing on day three, i promise!)

finally sent out the prize winners loot's well worth the wait BUT next contest i will have a premade box of awesomeness to send out immediately after announcing a winner...keep an eye out for that post.


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    ooooh, love this one, too...
    you're doing great...
    wtg on the exercise....

  2. Anonymous3:55 PM

    YIIPPPEEEE!!! Maybe I will get it this week! I was beginning to think the stupid smoking mailman took it. I swear he reads and steals my mail! (if only he'd take the bills...)
