Monday, July 10, 2006

there once was a man with a little too much time on his hands

I'm finally over it. my cold. who gets colds in the summer? apparently me. my body gets pissy when i fluctuate between temperature zones. so i slept through much of this weekend. which is exactly what i needed.

this week is back on track week. back to the gym, back to eating healthy, back to making meals and getting into all my business paperwork that i've been dreading. also have to call the investment counselor so i can start saving for retirement which is weird to think about since it's about 40 years away. but i do need to get my website set up, along with business cards printed and then there's the task of actually getting business.

oh and i need to buy a lounge chair for the deck this week. which i'm not sure when i'll get to use.


  1. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Me. I get colds in the summer and they are no fun at all. Glad that you're feeling better.

  2. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Me. I get colds in the summer and they are no fun at all. Glad that you're feeling better.

  3. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Me. I get colds in the summer and they are no fun at all. Glad that you're feeling better.

  4. Anonymous10:19 PM

    thanks for all the responses :)
