Monday, April 03, 2006

on a one-hour delay

seriously? stayed up late to watch Grey’s. worth every minute of lost sleep. *spoiler alert* chris o’donnel = delicious. these next few episodes have a lot of promise. in my world anyway.

of course we completely forgot about the time change this weekend. showed up at the end of church. second year in a row. so we booked out of there before anyone could see us and point and laugh.

two new goals: get to bed by 10 every night. get to the gym by 7 every morning.
we’ll see. 21 days right. starting tonight.

check out the new header designed by yours truly: letter to the world, as soon as she gets it up there.


  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    love the new header. maybe i'll have to hit you up for one too. i'll pay you with a gavin degraw cd, and madonna's immaculate collection cd. :)

  2. Anonymous9:35 PM

    i have the first one and i'm not even sure i actually want the second one. although, old school madonna is all nostalgic and vintage. like a prayer baby.

  3. Anonymous11:10 PM

    aww way to kill my offer. man girl. you suck. do you like country? i have tons of country i haven't given you. because i didn't think you liked it. actually meant to give you chris tomlin, but i forgot that one. oops.

  4. Anonymous11:10 PM

    You know, alot of people think that Grant looks like Chris O'Donnell. I don't really see it, but they're both hot, so it doesn't really matter.

    So Chris is on Grey's now? I might need to start watching it again!!

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    you don't need to bribe me or pay me. i'll get you one asap! (though nobody loves free music more than me)
