Friday, April 14, 2006

i heart chocolate cake

ok, so i'm gonna stop talking about my 21 day goal, since you're all probably sick of hearing about it. after this of course: my body has completely adjusted to working out in the mornings (i'm exhausted by 9 and there's no problems falling to sleep anymore) and i love how free my schedule feels, so i plan on keeping to it.

in other news, i love my new hobby: digital scrapbooking. seriously. who has the time to scrapbook entire albums? not me. so i've resorted to creating 8x8 printable pages in photoshop. and i've discovered an entire online community of people who do this, and even digital products you can buy like fonts, tags, papers, etc. i love it. i'll have a couple of samples up soon. that was my baby gift for heather's shower a few weeks ago that i still haven't shown you, so sorry!

and another shout out to heather for the fabulous hand-me over sweater i'm sportin today. green is the new green baby.

current music: soothing seas to fall asleep to (reminds me of all that precious beach time)
current reading: real simple's article on why thin people stay thin
current mood: anticipation, for that piece of chocolate cake (it's friday you know, chocolate cake day)


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    You should come visit me. yo.

  2. Anonymous7:06 PM

    so why do thin people stay thin? and why do fat people stay fat?

    unload your secrets.

    p.s. note that sizzle didn't ask me to come visit. whatever!

  3. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I can't wait to see your scrapbook pages!
