Thursday, April 20, 2006

happy birthday cousin

jens bday book, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

today's my cousin's b-day. i made her a book. that was the other fun gift i was working on but couldn't give any hints about, since she lies and says she read this every few days. anyway, i hope she had a good one out there in the LA sun. jerk.

so do you ever hear a song and think, you know, i need that album. well, i did that today. i want ray charles greatest hits. and then at the end of the song i realized it wasn't even ray charles. but still, it made me think of his deep raspy voice and i still want that CD.

haircut today! i'm sporting the summer short do and loving it. my head feels three pounds lighter. AND i picked up a pair of Born shoes yesterday, or should i say invested in them. those things cost a small fortune. anyway, i needed some since i threw away (yes, threw away) a pair that i used constantly EVERY summer. why, you ask, would i throw them away? because i'm an idiot. (tell us something we don't know) hey! and they had a small tear in the stretchy canvas that was only bound to get bad and i would still be wearing them around until half my shoe fall off in the middle of the street leaving me shoeless in the grungy part of town. that's why.


  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    happy birthday cheri's cousin! (jen? i think. i pay attention sometimes.)

  2. Anonymous8:36 AM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO you .... hope to see you again soon.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.....

  3. Anonymous5:56 PM

    i read this blog... every once in a while

    my book is so beautiful it made me cry...

    i love you!

  4. Anonymous8:44 PM

    your long lost cousin i still love you happy birthday .
