Wednesday, April 05, 2006

day 20

things are on schedule. i went to bed by 10 (10:20 to be exact), i woke up early (so i hit the snooze four times, so what) BUT i did not go to the gym. EGADS. seriously though. people. my buttocks were on fire. everytime i sat down they would scream out 'please have mercy senorita, we are in paaaaain' buttocks apparently are mexican, who knew?

anyway, my goal is five times a week and weekends to myself, with the occasional day off in between, so i'm gauranteed a minimum of four workouts. so today i'll count as my day off. although i'm debating going tonight to do more cardio. but i don't need to. SO it feels like i failed even though i'm still on track with my plan. i did however watch the morning news and fold clothes at 7 am. sooo unlike me. i'ld say things are looking more productive in my life already.

mb, joining our little internet support circle means you now have to give us daily updates* (ok, maybe every other day) and inform us of your goals. which we already know that staying away from dairy queen blizzards is one of them. (*awesome excuse for dsl)


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    I'm not sure what your goals are (weight loss *giggle*, strength training, etc)- but it always helps me to work out with someone. Either in a class (like my beloved Spin class) or with a buddy/trainer. That way if I don't show up to the gym, I have someone asking after me and making me feel bad. Us Catholics respond very well to guilt. ;)

    And don't worry too much about missing a day- it's going to take a while for your muscles to get used to this routine. Until they are, the best thing you can do is listen to them- it'll help you from hurting yourself.

    Good luck!

  2. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Your funny, Must be doing some good to be so sore, keep it up, you'll see results.

  3. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Cheri, I love your use of the word "buttocks". My mother in law uses that word instead of saying butt and it always cracks me up for some reason. It just sounds so silly coming from her.

  4. Anonymous7:55 PM

    funny lady. i'll post some goals. and dsl is coming soon. i'm very excited. what what!

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