Monday, April 10, 2006

the camper that was

charbroiled, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

this is a photo from my mom's fire. it's sobering and amazing what can happen. all weekend i made sure everything was off or unplugged.

day 5? or day 17 i guess. i probably shouldn't count the weekends since i don't do anything on them... anyway, hard time waking up and late to the gym BUT a much better workout. i think my body is adjusting to me forcing it to work at 7 in the morning.

started to watch king kong lastnight. 3 hour movie! so we had to stop it and get our butts in bed before getting up this am became impossible. will power i tell ya. also bought a new teapot this weekend. red. oo la la.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Wow, very scary. Were they able to salvage anything? Oh, and can you email me your mom's address?

  2. Anonymous2:02 PM

    We are alive and well, thanks to the stubbornness(sp?)of number 2 daughter...she insisted we stay at her house Thursday night because of the extreme cold. We were awakened Friday at 5 am to a neighbor banging on the front door and yelling. God Bless our neighbor. Nothing was salvagable from the camper at all. We are still in shock and the realization of the items lost are trinkling into our minds one at a time. I can't really explain the feelings that are overwhelming my senses, and the constant need to thank God I am here to be overwhelmed. God Bless all the firemen and friends that showed up at 5 am to put out the fire or bring us coffee and a shoulder to lean on, yes, in our jammies and slippers......I love them all.

  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    aww man. that is completely horrible. need to know items...or maybe just walmart or target gc? walmart gc will get you more. let me know.

  4. Anonymous7:43 PM

    hehehe, thank you for the offer.....the nearest Target is 2 hours away.... Walmart is only a half hour away. Tink is the city girl, we live in Northern Maine, very very rural....small town....not even a stop light!! We really need prayers right now, the more the better ! I do have a coffee pot (priorities~)and a crock pot, geeze, it just dawned on me....I got those for Christmas and they hadn't made it to the camper. I guess that was a good thing....hmmm. Tink, resend some pics so I can make copies please.
