Thursday, March 09, 2006

we might be out of soap or real communication

if you don’t know who she is already, check out charlotte martin. she has amazing talent and thought-provoking lyrics, like the one above. (thanks to MB for introducing me with a free cd.)

in other news i worked all night on my project and i’m really loving it. it’s a little artsy, so be warned heather! after the baby shower i’ll post some pics of the finished product. i wouldn’t want to ruin the suspense…

i’ts raining and gray here so i decided to update my header with some brighter happiness…i’m also waiting for 5 new cds (thanks to bmg) of some really fabulous artists i discovered through if you don’t know what i’m talking about and you love music, you would be doing yourself a great disservice if you don’t check it out right now. go. right now!


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    i so have some cds to send you. plus i made you a little something! aren't you so excited!!!

    hopefully i'll get sent out ups this monday. that'll take like one or two days. rocket!

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    i shall look forward to receiving bless-ed mail. but shouldn't i be sending you stuff, birthday girl?
