Thursday, March 30, 2006

capturing the moment

soft_one_blog.jpg, falls_slow_blog.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so i reluctantly took a weekday all for myself. and this is how i captured it.

Monday, March 27, 2006

input people

so how do we like the new look. it's a bit easter eggish, yes, but it's spring people. at least, it's supposed to be. and i've vowed to put away my gray and black for the season. which for me and my wardrobe is a huge commitment.

the weekend: watched a movie, hung out with the husband at the mall, bought new jeans for cheap cheap, worked out, finished another nicholas sparks book (yes i know, i know, but they're easy reads), and chopped my hair off.

Friday, March 24, 2006


i get to sleep in. i will work out. i plan to spend some money on something absolutely useless either for myself or for my cousin. i'll give this site a mini-makeover. i'll print some photos out and maybe take some more if the sun cooperates. i'll drink tea. take a bath. read a book. i'll clean the house. i'll watch some mindless tv while folding laundry. i'll make a couple of CDs for my friends. wait. i might not do all of that...because all i really intend to do tomorrow is relax.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

take that you 200 lb piece of plastic and metal

so maybe subconsciously i was feeling incredibly guilty from eating half of a chocolate cake, because 30 minutes on the elliptical seemed like a good idea. it's a fitness record for me. i just wanted to brag. that's all for now. happy workouts!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

blog confessional

today i single-handedly ate one of the largest pieces of chocolate cake i have ever seen. for penance i will double my time on the eliptical tonight. and it was still worth every bite.

don't forget to pay the government

we finally did our taxes. it’s like this huge burden off our shoulders. i mean, we still have to send them to our accountant in nyc today, and hope he doesn’t have any questions for us and then he’ll file them and send us back paperwork to sign and we’ll get some money! hopefully. hopefully it’s enough to redo the bathroom and buy two plane tickets to los angeles. did you know you can write off the cost of filing your taxes from the last year?

it’s spring and it’s snowing. i need a vacation. i’m so sick of winter clothes and winter coats and gloves and scarves and mittens and cracked skin and runny noses. good news is the truck is fixed. brand new brakes. for half what the dealer wanted to charge. nice.

digging into your closet for an outfit you haven't worn in a while is great. it makes you realize what clothes you actually hate and why, and instead of tossing them back in the closet, you can decide who to give them away to. jen, you're getting some new pants!

Monday, March 20, 2006


our DVR decided to do it's own thing lastnight and NOT record grey's anatomy.

Friday, March 17, 2006

favorite friday: fantastic feeling fingers

lotion.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

this is my favorite hand lotion ever. and it's all natural. and it makes you smell like a hippie. it will even last through a couple hand washes. i've been through buttloads of lotions and this is by far my favorite, especially for my below zero chapped skin, so i thought i'ld spread the love (or the lotion)...and it's green-ish. so happy saint patty's day to ya.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Welcome to spring

This morning i was planning on wearing my new green heels in celebration of sunshine. Instead, i’m wearing sneakers, jeans and a gray sweater thanks to the foot of snow on the ground. Actually, two sweaters, thanks to the heat not working right.

On the bright side my new music arrived yesterday, which was a nice surprise since i never got an e-mail saying when it was shipped. I kind of liked it that way better. So far i love two of the five. So far i’ve only listened to two of the five so the odds are good.

In dark side news, my truck is giving me trouble, and part of it’s warranty just expired at 75K. it’s something to do with the 4x4, right now it’s stuck in 4-wheel, and getting through the parking garage was an interesting experience. Turning an axel in 4-wheel drive while on dry ground is something you’re not supposed to do. So tonight i’ll drop it at the shop and hope for the best. But i’m not expecting it.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

self-portrait tuesday: time - a week in photos

a week in photos, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

Monday, March 13, 2006

the toothbrush that nearly burned the house down

toothbrush.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

okay maybe not. but melted plastic smells nasty. especially in a 3'x3' bathroom.

the pizza wasn't as good the second time around

i have the most wonderful husband in the world. i guess i don’t say that enough. i guess i don’t notice it enough. but lastnight while i hung my head in the toilet, he rubbed my back. and when i puked, he flushed the toilet. and when i cried because i hate getting sick with everything in my being, he told me he loved me. if that’s not wonderful, i don’t know what is.

Friday, March 10, 2006

favorite friday: road trip

roadtrip.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so i spent lastnight putting together a couple of fabulous photos for today but when i checked this morning they were nowhere to be found. dissapointing. so enjoy these two rather disturbing images courtesy of an old college friend. this is the infamous road trip of '97. we travelled from rhode island to pennsylvania to florida in a truck about a third of that size...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

we might be out of soap or real communication

if you don’t know who she is already, check out charlotte martin. she has amazing talent and thought-provoking lyrics, like the one above. (thanks to MB for introducing me with a free cd.)

in other news i worked all night on my project and i’m really loving it. it’s a little artsy, so be warned heather! after the baby shower i’ll post some pics of the finished product. i wouldn’t want to ruin the suspense…

i’ts raining and gray here so i decided to update my header with some brighter happiness…i’m also waiting for 5 new cds (thanks to bmg) of some really fabulous artists i discovered through if you don’t know what i’m talking about and you love music, you would be doing yourself a great disservice if you don’t check it out right now. go. right now!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


so this week i’ve been feeling a lot better. i even managed to scrape three fingernails worth of polish off. lastnight i hit the gym for some cardio and although i’m not up where i was, i’m fairly close. i still hate the elliptical machine so that’s exactly the same.

i should have been working on heather’s gift lastnight but instead we watched ‘walk the line’ which wasn’t half bad, even if you’re not a fan of Cash’s music. but the good news is i figured out a way to get said gift done quicker and better! very excited, as in, can’t wait to get home tonight and work on it while the husband is out playing basketball excited.

still planning on driving home this weekend. hope to get out of town early and hit the outlets on the way. they keep sending me all these fabulous gift cards and i’m not one to turn down free shopping…

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

self-portrait tuesday - time (measured in trash)

wastebasket, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so the assignment for march is to catalog your week creatively in photos. i chose trash.

this is the wastebasket in my bedroom. if you notice, i had a cold at the beginning of last week. then over the weekend we went shopping. monday is trash night so we usually empty all the trash on sunday. i've been able to sleep for two nights without having to wake up and blow my nose. for other self-portraits click here.

Monday, March 06, 2006

manic monday

i think i’ve done a bad thing. i started another project. only this one needs to be done sooooon, as in a couple of weeks and of course I don’t have nearly the time I need to finish it. especially since we’re planning on heading to connecticut this weekend. anyway, it’s a gift and I should just opt for getting something store-bought BUT I just hate doing that. i’ld much rather sweat over something personal than hop in and hop out of the shop with bag in hand. so, i’m geared up for the stress and hoping it pays off in the end product. of course, it hasn't helped that you won't find out the sex of your baby, heather!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

favorites friday: new shoes

okay, so since i am the essence of doom and gloom and whine with my cheese, i plan to start favorites friday, to end my week on a note of gladness. every friday i'll post a picture of some of my favorite items, whether shampoo, lip gloss, or socks. this week i'm posting my new green shoes, and since i really want to delay the start of cleaning the bathroom, i give you this photoshopped pic:

new_shoes.jpg, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

Friday, March 03, 2006

anyone for a makeover to make you feel better

when you’re bored and sick and banished to the couch with a box of tissues and some ‘sex and the city’ reruns, you do stupid things. me, i painted my nails. i never paint my nails. only for special occasions, like weddings or, weddings. i only paint my nails for weddings when i’ve also done my hair, makeup and am wearing a gorgeous flowing dress. but now, as i stare down at my typing fingers i feel a little flutter of anxiety wondering whose fingers those nicely polished and manicured nails belong to. certainly not me. but they’re mine. they feel so…so…girly. and they’re pink to top it off. i'm definately not feeling like myself this week.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

donE with a capital E

i want this cold to be over. granted, we're at the end stages of it, thanks to soup, wellness vitamins, and a ton of ricola drops. but we've moved into the nosebleed stage. it's difficult to blow ones nose when one knows (see how i did that, huh huh didjya?) it will all end in a bloody mess. and Campbell's really should advertise their chicken & noodle soup as noodle soup because apparently someone forgot to add the chicken.