Tuesday, February 28, 2006

under the weather

how does one feel under the weather. I mean, really…can I be feeling under 3 inches of snow? under 17 degrees? and if you’re feeling great, why wouldn’t one say, ‘i’m feeling a little over the weather today’? whatever the case, i’m feeling under 17 degrees today. echinacea, orange juice and kleenex are my new best friends. i hope this clears up soon since we have a lot going on this weekend and i'm sick of losing money. no sick days for freelancers...


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    well, I think I can make you feel better...... I have been in bed since we got back to NC from FL. I went to an urgent care on sunday afternoon and after xrays and such, found out I have pnuemonia (sp?). I have no voice at all, can't swallow solid food, and I hate puree, can barely think (this is the first time vertical)and am feeling quite weak. My meds seem to all be horse pills and inhalers, both of which are difficult to take, and the sun is shining and I can't even go play with my new puppy. I can't even cry without choking. Well, I am beginning to tremble so I will go back to bed now and I will contact you when I am able. Until then, know that I love you and miss you and will pray for you to feel better soon.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    hey sis hope you feel better!we love you the girls said they miss you guys already.acctually i think they said that the minute we shut the car door at dads to head home!!!!if i remember correctly they asked for you guys at like 2 in the morning when we got to the hotel and i woke them up to go inside .love you guys hope all is well.

  3. Anonymous1:22 PM

    now i feel bad for complaining. all i have is a cold.
