Monday, February 13, 2006

self-portrait tuesday: all of me

all of me, originally uploaded by tinkerellen.

so i tried to think about the ugly in me, since that's the assignment (which i failed to notice until after posting last week's picture). and since having the husband snap shots of me while i rage around the bedroom in a pms rant doesn't seem like a good idea even now in all my pms-soberness, i decided to go another route. so here it is. this is my big hairy nasty wart, dead smack in the middle of my forehead: i love to shop.

it's an addiction really. i AM a shopoholic. and i thought it was a made-up illness. you know, like when the doctors keep prodding and poking and they never find out what exactly it is that ails you, so they make up a name and call it a day. well, it's real. and i have it. and post-Christmas is the worst time to be what i am. it's ugly. my wardrobe is gorgeous, but my bank account is ugly. this is me. all seventy-three dollars and fifty-two cents of me.

see other much more brave or soul-bearing self-portraits here.


  1. Anonymous10:45 PM

    all righty then......

  2. Anonymous10:45 PM

    I repeat....all righty then......

  3. Anonymous5:23 PM

    it's part of an online group. every tuesday they post self-portraits, themes for every month, etc etc. go to the link if you want to read more about it. it's pretty cool. you can find some interesting people there.
