Wednesday, December 07, 2005

best Christmas present ever

it's the LAST week of classes. in fact, tonight and tomorrow morning are my last classes ever. next week is finals. if i can get through that unscathed then i'll be home free. then i have to get a real job. crap.


  1. found you via the next blog button...suprising not to find a site selling something.
    You'll do fine on your finals, then just go find a job you LOVE not one just to have a job.

    I loved the invisible blog post...maybe I need to write my blogs name on it's underwear as well.

  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Congrats! This is a long time coming and I know you busted your butt for this!!

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM

    go cheri...go cheri...go cheri...
    (proud mom smiling ear to ear)

  4. Anonymous11:42 AM

    thanks my peeps. pray for finals to go smooth. i mean i would have to completely fail them to fail the courses, but it could happen...
