Saturday, November 12, 2005

If you read this i'll bake you a chocolate cake.*

Two names u Go by:
1. cheri
2. fatass

Two parts of your Heritage:
1. irish
2. does anything else matter. i don't think so.

Two things that Scare u:
1. spiders
2. daytime TV

Two of your everyday essentials:
1. gel
2. chapstick

Two things u are wearing right now:
1. pants
2. wedding band

Two of your Fave bands or artists:
1. ben folds
2. tori amos

Two of your favorite songs:
1. it never entered my mind - Miles Davis
2. fear - Sarah McLachlan

Two things u want in a relationship(other than real love)
1. kisses, and not the hershey kind
2. fun

Two truths:
1. i procrastinate until i stress out, get sick, and breakdown. and i like it that way.
2. i buy things i will never need. a lot.

Two physical traits in the opposite sex that appeal to you:
1. good hair
2. honest eyes

Two Favorite hobbies:
1. photography
2. baking

Two things you want really badly:
1. a new sewing machine
2. to live by the ocean

Two places you want to go on vacation:
1. London
2. Ireland

Two things you want to do before you die:
1. paint in Paris
2. really affect someone

Two ways you are stereotypically a chick:
1. pms is like a godzilla style rampage where the victims include any happy feeling left in my path
2. i'm self-conscious

Two things you are thinking about right now:
1. i should be writing my paper
2. we're almost out of toilet paper

Two people you would like to do this:
1. mel
2. heather

*the above said statement is a complete and exagerated lie. you will never receive chocolate cake, nor will you partake in its yummy goodness.


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Two names u Go by:
    1. Heather
    2. Margo

    Two parts of your Heritage:
    1. Irish
    2. Lithuanian

    Two things that Scare u:
    1. big bugs in my home
    2. Star Jones

    Two of your everyday essentials:
    1. Shea Butter Lip Balm
    2. L'Occitane Lavendar Hand Cream

    Two things u are wearing right now:
    1. cute pink striped v-neck shirt from Old Navy (bought when shopping with Cheri)
    2. jeans that are getting just a little too small

    Two of your Fave bands or artists:
    1. Jimmey Buffett
    2. The Killers

    Two of your favorite songs:
    1. At Last- Etta James
    2. Sweet Caroline- Neil Diamond

    Two things u want in a relationship(other than real love)
    1. someone to make me laugh
    2. durability

    Two truths:
    1. I'm so scared I'm going to miscarry again that I preface everything I say that is pregnancy or baby related with "If I stay pregnant..."
    2. I am addicted to buying books- and not the ones that enrich your mind. Quick, mindless, fun reads!

    Two physical traits in the opposite sex that appeal to you:
    1. Smiling eyes
    2. compentent hands

    Two Favorite hobbies:
    1. Reading (see above)
    2. working out

    Two things you want really badly:
    1. an iPod
    2. a baby (not in that order ;-))

    Two places you want to go on vacation:
    1. Greece
    2. Africa

    Two things you want to do before you die:
    1. take an African Safari
    2. figure out what my calling in life is

    Two ways you are stereotypically a chick:
    1. Emotions rule my life
    2. I enjoy a day of good shopping, eating chocolate and oogling eye-candy.

    Two things you are thinking about right now:
    1. I need to finish picking up my bedroom
    2. what is Pete going to wear to dinner tonight

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    yay for jeans getting too small!!! in this case of course..
