Tuesday, May 10, 2005

my rib hurts

i must have bruised it while displaying my mighty kung-fu skills to the neighborhood children. i don't think that ice cream truck man will be back anytime soon trying to peddle those 99 cent ice cream sandwiches.

in other news, i have three finals on thursday. 2 i have to study for, and one i just have to spend five minutes talking about.

i'm enrolled in 3 summer classes. who uses biology in the real world anyway, except maybe biologists (?).

i need money. i'm going to go eat a kudos now. i'm making death by chocolate later. carbs are a girls best friend...


  1. Anonymous5:54 PM

    i read this

  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    i read this as well?

    good luck on your finals.

  3. Anonymous11:49 AM

    thanks chicas for the vote of confidence. i'm pretty sure i did well on both, and i aced both papers that i was stressing out over.

    i'm not only super hot, but super smott. you should be super jealous.
