Thursday, September 23, 2004

a harsh, yet necessary stand...

Yes. I'm supposed to be doing homework, watching ER and then hopping into my soft warm bed for some sweet sleep, but i feel convicted to talk to you about something very important to me. It's something i've been noticing more and more everywhere I go. I can't escape it. I can't ignore it. And my gosh, I can't even fix it. It's what's known as the Mullet. Now, i'm not sure there was ever a time when mullets where popular. I don't remember seeing any of the cool guys in high school strutting their stuff down the halls with their hair flowing like an ungroomed dog's tail in the back. It's decieving, yes. From the front, a person sporting a mullet, looks very much, well, normal. but then they turn their head ever so slightly, and BAM! MULLET! It taunts me. It screams, "please cut me before i turn into a braid or worse, a dreadlock". There are those things every person can see fit to forgive even time after time. But mullets. Mullets have no place in society, no place in fashion, and any hairstylist who sees fit to create a mullet should have their beauty license revoked. This needs to end.

Please, cut your local mullet today.


  1. like they say, business in the front, party in the back!

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    i met a hairdresser who insisted on talking a woman out of a mullet cut. she's my new hero.

