Friday, October 29, 2010

while you're waiting

for my great return to the world of blogging and crafting and baking and pretty much anything but what I've been doing, I'll leave you with some leafy love:{these were all taken with my handy dandy fits-in-my-back-pocket Canon PowerShot SD780 IS in the foliage mode.}

{We're moving in tomorrow morning people!! I'm tired just thinking about it. Our second move in just 6 months, but hopefully our last for a few years...and now back to packing.}


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

it's almost here

The big day. Moving day. And to be honest, i'm NOT ready. I AM however ready to stop all this back and forth between places. It'll be nice to do the work when I'm right there. We're not missing major things, like a bathroom or a kitchen, but we are lacking in minor things, like window trim and doors. Hopefully, by the weekend, we'll be even closer to being presentable. Regardless, this Saturday we'll still be toting our things through that red front door. Which I will be painting mustard yellow. When I get the time. AND speaking of time, once I have more of it, I will be blogging the process and the before and after photos. There's so much we've done and I want to show you all. Like it or not.

So I thought I would just let you all know that I am still here but I'm slowly going insane. I expect to be fully mental in about 6 days...see you then.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Two weeks and counting.


So what was I thinking taking a break on Sunday?? Well, let's just consider it a mental health day. I'm REALLY ready to be done, even though the end isn't nearly in sight. Well, not in my mind anyway. ALthough our move-in date is a week from this saturday. :O I know, crazy. If by some crazy amazing miracle we do have it all done when we move in, it will have been two months of renovations. Which really doesn't feel like enough time. And let me tell you, it's not.

Anyway, who wants to hear about all that stuff? We took a stroll up the mountain again to foliage peek. The fresh air and the exercise and going out in something other than painting clothes was really refreshing. Check it out:


Saturday, October 16, 2010

when you plan your trips around photo ops


We just booked a vacation with two of the awesomest people we know. The four of us are headed for a mini-break in the beginning of December, just in time since we are all in desperate need of a break. To say we've all been under extreme stress lately is an understatement. So we'll be heading to KEY WEST for five glorious days. So I have one month after moving in and before going on vacation to get things back in order. Specifically me. I'm a hot mess lately, minus the hot, with an extra side of mess.

But the end is near folks. Today a family signed the lease on our apartment so we are cleared to move out by November first! This is both good news and bad, but mostly good, because we'll be moving into our new home! Ours. OURs. And although the thought of finishing what we need to before moving in is giving me a mini-anxiety attack, I know it will all come together in the end and we'll be loading up that stupid heavy sleeper sofa again.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

it's getting away from me...


this thing called fall. I've really missed out on a few things I wanted to do, so I'm making myself a list of to-do's for next fall. I missed the Big E and this local Apple Harvest festival I wanted to go to. Secretly I'm just interested in the fried dough and apple fritters. I haven't been apple picking yet...I haven't even made my awesome apple pie yet. And i've been wanting to get back to Brooklyn to see all the leaves fall over my old street.

But it's ok right? I'll get my sanity back eventually correct? I'll try to have pictures soon, I promise. Things are actually coming together, I think.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

it's been a while


dearest Bloggers and for that I apologize. It's been a mad rush to get the house livable for an end-of-month move-in. Needless to say, it's been absolutely nuts. I've been working morning to night with some helpers here and there {which is a great great blessing} but it still feels as if it'll never be ready. I really know that's not the case, but some days I can't imagine completing everything on the to-do list. Or the MANY to-do lists. Things are looking up though. Perhaps we'll have a kitchen this weekend. I know for certain we'll have a bathroom as of Thursday which is a HUGE step forward...because really, one can live without a kitchen for a bit, but a toilet? No ma'am.