Thursday, December 27, 2012

Eleven and Twelve

Hello? Is this thing on? Is anyone still there? It's been busy around this family, most of the busy has two adorable blue eyes and two little feet that are quickly learning to walk about and find lots of inappropriate things to play with. 

I love these two photos of her. This first one is a very common face for her. She's serious and reserved and mostly just figuring out what to get into next.

This one is a rare bird. She's not a belly laugher by any means, but sometimes I can get her to just let loose and let go. And she has the most contagious laugh. It makes me happy from the inside out. I've held her tight in light of the recent Connecticut tragedy, as I'm sure a lot of parents have done with their children. More snuggles, more hugs, more kisses and more love. Just what the world needs now.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Mmmmm, cake.

We threw a little 1-year shindig {a WHOLE year, seriously?!} for the bebe this past weekend. Forty plus people in my house at once is a little overwhelming. Luckily I had a ton of help from willing and wonderful friends and family, and all went down without a hitch {even considering silly first-time mom that I am planned the party smack dab in the middle of nap time}. She did really well regardless and had a blast playing with all the kiddos around, including her cousins! I'll post about the party and decorations and planning later, once I'm able to grab some photos from a friend, since I was too busy entertaining to pull out the camera that much.