Tuesday, March 27, 2012

owl be there for you

Thanks to a little more Pinterest inspiration, I worked on this little guy today:

Woah, mom, you made this?! That is totally amazing. Even the dog wants to play with it!

And, I don't know how but, it tastes delicious...I approve. You're the best.

Monday, March 26, 2012

making an impression

Pinterest will be the death of me. My right-brained self yearns for daily creativity, so I tend to have 18 different projects rolling around up there until I actually find time to get them out. This one has been bothering me for well, since the bebe was born. I wish I had stopped to get impressions of her little 1 week old feet, but 3 month feet will have to do. I'll do them again at 6 months, a year and maybe two or three years. Then it will be complete! Even though it's just the beginning, it's a pretty darn cute piece of art:
Inspiration for this project came from here. I actually outlined bebe's feet with a fine tip art pen and labeled the age along side. The feet were a little too light and blurred {do you know how hard it is to get a 3 month old who loves to kick to stay flat footed for a few seconds?} and I wanted a little more distinction. Anyway, I'm happy with everything about it. Here's to creative ways to track little memories.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

what's that smell?

It's not to say that I have a stinky home, BUT there are a few more scents now thanks to all the diapers and burp cloths hanging around. So when I saw these pop up on Pinterest I had to give them a shot. Of course, I spent way too much on lavender oil for the project, but now that I have it, the cost will be significantly lower for future jars. This is the one in the bebe's room:

These air fresheners are incredibly simple to make, and in general fairly inexpensive. I paid $4 for a four pack of small ball jars, $2 for a box of baking soda and different prices for the essential oils, depending on where you buy them. I had tea tree oil already and splurged on some lavender oil. At first I wasn't impressed with the smell of the fresheners, but once they settled and were placed in their appropriate locations it was nice to walk into a room and have something that wasn't overpowering and pungent like a plug-in or a spray.

This one is in the laundry room now which is great, since that's where I keep the dirty diapers. It used to smell like pee when I opened those double doors and now it smells like lavender. Fabulous!

This one is in one of the bathrooms:

And here's the tutorial on how to make these. It's nice to display some of my cute scrapbook paper while having an actual useful purpose. I will definitely be making more of these. Two nostrils up!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

yummy yummy in my tummy


I've made these twice so far and they're a big hit. They're so easy to make and don't usually last long around here so I'll be making a double batch next time. And they're no-bake, score! {Oh, and I add more peanut butter to ensure stickiness...}

Saturday, March 10, 2012

put a fabric on it

I'm starting to attack everything with mod podge and fabric. I'm starting to worry for the dog and the bebe. Here's a silver tray that had slight rust on the top, so I covered it with some fabric. Now I like it better:

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

a new life for a recycled box

How easy is it to create your own simple cheap storage? As easy as reusing a lovely cardboard box. I admit, not all shoe boxes are worthy, but this eco-friendly box that held an organic cotton bunny, was just the thing for some cute storage. All I did was add a couple of grommets, a bit of rope that came with the bunny, and I have a cute little box for bebe's cute little hats.

And here's that adorable little bunny and a sneak peak at the living room redo. It's been about creating as much storage as possible for a growing bebe and all her diapers/pajamas/burp clothes/blankets/toys/books...you see why we needed the storage?? The trick was creating something clean and useful without becoming overpowering.

Monday, March 05, 2012

organize it pretty

But not just pretty, it's a huge space-saver. I had to do some touch-ups to my kitchen door the other day, and I had a heck of a time getting the rusted shut cover off. I saw a tip a while back and decided it was time to implement it. So I bought some plastic mixing bottles from walmart for $2 a piece and filled them with leftover room paints. I labelled each container with the color, finish and room details using the new Martha Stewart kraft labels from Staples. Now I have an easy way to grab a color for quick touch-ups and those nasty cans won't be knocking around in my basement work bench anymore...

Thursday, March 01, 2012

time stealer

This little girl has been keeping me on my toes. I have those good days where she's happy and sleepy and I get lots done, but there are definitely those days where she's not tired at all and I get nothing done. But my favorite days are the ones where she's happy and squirmy and full of smiles for me and her daddy: