Saturday, May 29, 2010

i miss you all


but soon there will be posts of craftiness and home decor and info on what i'll actually be doing here in CT. for now you'll have to put up with old photos and lack of information.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

welcome to connecticut


so that was fast, that whole living in nyc thing we did. it's a little weird, it still hasn't sunk in that i'm here, for good. it became this illusion at some point, and we just came to terms with living wherever and whenever, and made the best out of each place.

in those terms, i do miss brooklyn, i miss the city and walking everywhere. sitting in a car all day is exhausting. giant parking lots and backyards and trees, it feels like a new concept, but we're adjusting well. having your own washing machine helps!

i even played susie homemaker yesterday and had dinner ready on the table when he got home lastnight. it's a crazy new concept, this making things from scratch. i could learn to like it, but i think i'll stock up on my trader joe's frozen pizzas, just to be safe.

now if only i could figure out what to do with myself...did i mention there's no dishwasher? which is very fitting, since my kitchen looks like something from the 50's.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

nueve york


nothing new to report. i'm spending my days checking off my to do list and my nights packing...

ps: i still love my new lens.

Monday, May 17, 2010

hey there


we're still here. but not for long. this saturday is our official move date. we made a pretty good sized smaller trip this past weekend, so most of our clothes and shoes are there, and a lot of our non-necessities, which gave me a chance to figure out storing solutions before i got too overwhelmed. i also cleaned the whole place (with a friend's help) so now we can just unpack and load.

i have to say, i'm getting rather excited. all i want to do is stay home and pack all day! and nest in the new place of course. i literally went to target four times this weekend. i better find myself a job and FAST.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

follow the signs


always think good thoughts. although i will miss this big crazy city i've grown to love, i know there are only good things ahead of us in connecticut. oh, and if you haven't heard, the husband and i are moving to ct permanently! after many years of prayer, he was offered a job close to all our friends and some of our family. it's a very excited time for us!

so please excuse me if i'm quiet over the next few weeks. there is much to do and not much time to do it! we found an apartment last weekend and it's bright charming and big and cheap, another giant answer to prayer.

well, i'm a pro at packing and moving, so i better get to it!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

purl soho


if you go to nyc, you go to soho to do all your shopping. forget 5th avenue, no one can afford anything there, all the savvy people go to canal street or broadway. so purl soho moved all their fabric and yarn into one large joint store in soho recently and i luckily made it to the grand opening event. (i was wishing mb was there and kelly and everyone who could fully appreciate this store's awesomness.) it was pretty cool. i got some fabulous fabric and free goodies, and i was able to snap these photos (with permission). and the macaroons were delicious! i also snagged some laminated fabric that i'm dying to try. but there's no time for that right now!!

there are some big changes on the horizon for the lehnow family....


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

just you and me kid


what a stupendous weekend to be outdoors. we spent saturday mostly on our bicycles, going over the brooklyn bridge into manhattan to see our CT friends at the seaport. they were in for the day taking a tour of the city, but stopped long enough to eat and snap this photo of the two of us. thank you carrie, i think it's a framer.

then on sunday we ran across the brooklyn bridge and back, then spent a little time soaking up the sun in the newly opened lawn of the park down our street. it's still a work in progress and won't be done for a couple of years, but it's nice to have a little outdoor space that doesn't require a train ride. and the view is rather incredible. so all in all it was a great weekend. oh and i almost bought a droid! i've never had a fancy new phone and the touch screen scares me, but i think it might be time to upgrade. anyone have one?