Friday, June 24, 2005

Thursday, June 23, 2005

the funniest thing i've ever seen

has to be the penis straw my friend heather gave to me yesterday. Actually, i requested one. I figure if i'm ever feeling blue i can just make myself a root beer float or a raspberry margarita complete with tiny umbrella and penis straw. Because life is just better with a penis straw.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

talk to me day

Everyone was talking to me today. I wasn't even looking at them. Any of them. Maybe i just have that talk-to-me kind of face. Where random people think i'm all sweet and nice and southern-like until they actually talk to me and i give them this strange what-are-you-nuts look. Sure, i would expect this in alabama maybe or florida even, but new york? The only reason anyone should speak to you in new york is to yell at you for hitting their car.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

ebay socks

or sucks. Either way. People go nuts the last minute on auctions and the price practically doubles and you're left there slouching in your computer chair with your jaw dropped and this sadly retarded look on your face wondering what just happened. If retail shops worked like this, no one would ever buy anything. Ever.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

same great taste

"It has no calories! That's what zero means! I mean, I don't even know if it tastes the same as Coke." said the scary crazy man outside the grocery store, to himself.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

another successful

trip to Connecticut. Successful as in, no baby spit up on either shoulders the entire weekend, no cops pulled us over for speeds in excess of 95 mph, no hideous barbeque stains on any white articles of clothing, and no broken or torn anythings from a double header softball event. Also, a great sale at the JCrew outlet on the way home and a small budget makes me a happy girl with new pants.

I went shopping for my husband's birthday present lastnight. I got him a couple of CDs which i appropriately gave to him before our trip this weekend since that rediculously cool itrip he bought me for Christmas has tragically decided on an MTV-esque career change and no longer plays music but only static and a lot of nothing worth paying attention to. So, CDs and clothes seem to be my trend for him since he has this habit of buying everything he wants when he wants regardless of an upcoming holiday or birthday. I decided clothes were my only option since i'm jobless and pretty much buying him a gift with my ebay 'winnings'. I also decided it was time to take it upon myself to expand his wardrobe. He wears blue, yellow, and darker blue. And of course, the standard white. So an orange shirt and a green tie (not to be worn together) is what I eventually walked out with. I was so tempted by a few interesting shirts that he had a chance to look hot in, but when I spotted the 'metro' tag i decided against them and the inevitable anti-metrosexual (maybe your friends would wear this) discussion.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

it's 9:30

at night. I have biology on my mind and phylum's to remember. There's an aching feeling in my bladder. The bathroom's only two doors down. I turn to enter the hallway when the faint smell of incense stings my nostrils. The house is dark. The figures emerge. Three altogether. The sound of steel. The eyes, oh the cruel assassin eyes. Why are there ninjas in my house, and why won't they just let me pee.

to be continued...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

24/7 obese America

it's a growing disease in America that's slowly taking control of even our youngest generations. causing all sorts of health problems, growth disorders and less face it, the misuse of spandex. and now, instead of combat the growing issue, take the side of good cholesterol and whole foods, McDonald's announces the opening of 24 hour drive-thrus. got a hankering for a Big Mac at 3:30 am? well, go for it big guy, besides, we know doctors always lie.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

so out of the loop it's not even a loop anymore

it was officially announced to us this morning over the phone that our good good friends are having a baby. which is great, ya hoo, but justin and i are freaking out. i mean, our other friends have had children, in fact two in the past couple of months, but this is different. this is the girl i was supposed to share maternity clothes with. double baby shower. that sort of thing. it's exciting really, but this news actually feels like it's changes OUR lives. not that we're going to be jumping at the bit to get pregnant or anything, but this is going to push us even more to move home, soon. growing up sucks...i wonder if i'll ever have to.